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How to apply

To get a New Zealand immigration adviser licence, you need to lodge an online application with the Immigration Advisers Authority (IAA).

Make an application

When you apply, you need to have completed an approved qualification or entry course. You’ll also need to provide:

  • a signed supervision agreement [DOC, 112 KB]
  • a certified copy of your personal identification
  • your criminal history record or police certificate(s)
  • a passport quality photograph.

Australian registered migration agents

If you’re an Australian registered migration agent and want to provide New Zealand immigration advice, you need to follow the application process set out in the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997 (TTMRA).

See the TTMRA application process

You’ll need a Visa or Mastercard to pay your application fee.

Apply for a licence(external link)

Certify your documentation

Before you submit an application, you need to get someone to certify your documentation and witness any statutory declarations.

In New Zealand, this can be:

  • an enrolled barrister and solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand
  • a Justice of the Peace
  • a notary public
  • a Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the District Court, High Court, Court of Appeal or Supreme Court.

In Australia or another Commonwealth country other than New Zealand, you can ask:

  • a Judge
  • a Commissioner of Oaths
  • a notary public
  • a Justice of the Peace, or 
  • any person authorised by the law of that country to administer an oath there for the purpose of judicial proceeding
  • a Commonwealth representative, or 
  • solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand.

In a country other than a Commonwealth country, you can ask:

  • a Commonwealth representative
  • a Judge
  • a notary public, or 
  • a solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand.

Need advice?

Get in touch with us if you have a question or need more information.

Contact us

What happens next

The Registrar will assess the evidence you provide to ensure you meet the Immigration Adviser Competency Standards and that you‘re fit to be licensed.

We aim to process fully complete initial licence applications within 15 working days. If your application is taking longer, we are working hard to process it as soon as possible. If there are any concerns we will be in contact in writing to seek your response.

Once your licence application has been approved-in-principle, we’ll advise you and request that you pay the levy of $1,129.55 (ordinarily resident in NZ) or NZ$982.22 (not ordinarily resident in NZ). You‘ll be able to login and pay your levy online.

Once your levy is paid, your details will be added to the register of licensed immigration advisers and you can provide New Zealand immigration advice.

All immigration advisers must abide by the Licensed Immigration Advisers Code of Conduct.

Application costs

All costs are in New Zealand dollars (NZD).

Licence fees contribute to the cost of processing and assessing all applications. Levies contribute to the cost of funding the other functions of the Authority and the full Tribunal costs.

CostsOrdinarily resident in NZ
(including GST)
Not ordinarily
resident in NZ
Application fee $909.78 $791.11
Levy $1,129.55 $982.22
Total $2,039.33 $1,773.33

Are you entitled to a fee waiver?

Find out if you're entitled to a fee waiver.

See the Not-for-profit policy in the Licensing toolkit.
