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Apply as an Australian registered migration agent

If you’re registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA) in Australia, you can apply for a New Zealand immigration advisers licence for the first time using the process set out in the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997 (TTMRA). You must hold a licence to provide New Zealand immigration advice.

The TTMRA recognises Australia’s regulatory standards regarding equivalent-registered occupations, and streamlines the licensing process.

If you apply under the TTMRA you will not be tested on your understanding of New Zealand immigration matters before being granted a licence.

Advisers/ agents licensed under the TTMRA must comply with:

  • the New Zealand Licensed Immigration Advisers Code of Conduct
  • the Immigration Advisers Competency Standards.

Even if you have not previously held a New Zealand immigration adviser’s licence you can apply for a full licence.

From 22 March 2021 unrestricted lawyers who hold an Australian practicing certificate will be removed from the regulatory scheme governing Australian Migration Agents. This will mean that they will no longer be able to apply for an NZ Immigration Advisers Licence under section 19 Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997(TTMRA).

Australian lawyers with a restricted status are expected to be able to retain registration as Migration Agents for some time after this and accordingly will be able to apply to become New Zealand Immigration Advisers, but this is subject to change.

It is recommended that Australian lawyers take note of their status and whether they have retained registration as an Australian Migration Agent, as this will determine if they can apply for a NZ Immigration Advisers Licence.

Therefore, any individual who wishes to apply for a NZ immigration adviser licence under the TTMRA will be required to provide evidence of their registration as an Australian Migration Agent.

For further information, please consult the Office of Registered Migration Agents.

Make an application

To get a licence, you need to lodge an online application with the New Zealand Immigration Advisers Authority (IAA). You’ll need to provide:

  • a copy of your current registration page from the OMARA website
  • a certified copy of your personal identification
  • a passport quality photograph
  • a Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997 Section 19 Notice. This must be completed, signed and dated in the presence of someone who’s authorised to take statutory declarations in your country of residence. The same person must also certify your Section 19 Notice and identification.
  • If you wish to re-enter into the profession under the provisions of the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997 (TTMRA), please see Frequently Asked Questions: Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Arrangement

OMARA website(external link)

You’ll also need a Visa or Mastercard to pay your application fee.

Apply for a licence(external link)

Certify your documentation

Before you submit an application, you need to get someone to certify your documentation and witness any statutory declarations.

In New Zealand, this could be:

  • an enrolled barrister and solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand
  • a Justice of the Peace
  • a notary public
  • a Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the District Court, High Court, Court of Appeal or Supreme Court.

In Australia or another Commonwealth country other than New Zealand, you can use:

  • a Judge
  • a Commissioner of Oaths
  • a notary public
  • a Justice of the Peace, or 
  • any person authorised by the law of that country to administer an oath there for the purpose of judicial proceeding
  • a Commonwealth representative, or 
  • solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand.

In a country other than a Commonwealth country, you can use:

  • a Commonwealth representative
  • a Judge
  • a notary public, or
  • a solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand.

What happens next

When we receive your application, we’ll send a request to OMARA to check your registration and see if any conditions have been imposed on it. The Registrar will grant or refuse your application within one month of receiving it. During that month, you’re considered to be registered.

If your application for a licence is approved, the Registrar will:

  • grant you a New Zealand immigration advisers licence
  • add your name to the public register of licensed immigration advisers.

You’ll get a licence certificate, wallet card and information about being a New Zealand licensed immigration adviser.

If your application is postponed or conditions are imposed on your licence, you’ll be informed in writing and given reasons for the decision. You have a right of appeal to the Trans-Tasman Occupations Tribunal established by the Ministry of Justice to hear appeals under the TTMRA.

Trans-Tasman Occupations Tribunal(external link)

The Registrar may postpone or refuse a licence if:

  • any of the information provided is materially false or misleading
  • circumstances have changed
  • any of the required information has not been provided
  • the prescribed fees have not been paid.

If your application for a licence is refused by the Registrar, you will be informed in writing of the outcome of your application. The refusal and your name and details will be listed on the public register of licensed immigration advisers.

If any information provided as part of your application is subsequently found to be false, forged or altered, your application will be cancelled. The appropriate authorities will be informed.

Application costs

All costs are in New Zealand dollars (NZD).

Licence fees contribute to the cost of processing and assessing all applications. Levies contribute to the cost of funding the other functions of the Authority and the full Tribunal costs.

CostsOrdinarily resident in NZ
(including GST)
Not ordinarily
resident in NZ
Application fee $909.78 $791.11
Levy $1,129.55 $982.22
Total $2,039.33 $1,773.33

Need advice?

Get in touch with us if you have a question or need more information.

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Become an Australian registered migrant agent

If you're a New Zealand Licensed Immigration Adviser who wants to provide Australian immigration advice, you must apply to be registered with the OMARA under the TTMRA.

Make an application(external link)
